Ensuring there is a highly skilled and
motivated workforce in Bexley plays
a key part in achieving this.
We are also committed to making
sure every resident and employee in
Bexley has the chance to take part in
education and learn new skills, in
order to achieve their full potential.
However, there are significant
challenges facing Bexley and authorities
across the country: a national shortage
of teachers, funding cuts andmajor
reforms to the government’s education
and skills policy. As well as addressing
these challenges, at a local level we also
need to engagemore effectively with
businesses in the region, expand and
improve the education and training
opportunities available, and provide
high quality careers information and
enterprise support. In doing so, we
will support the growth of local
businesses and improve access to
newopportunities for our residents
and employees.
Meeting this challenge will require
all partners to work with the Council:
schools, colleges, work-based learning
providers, other employment and skills
providers and businesses.
We hope that local businesses will
welcome the opportunity to give their
ideas and opinions. In shaping the
education and training opportunities
available in Bexley, they can help to
ensure their workforce has the
The Council is committed to working with local businesses, to help them
succeed and grow.
qualifications and skills necessary for
the business to succeed.
We are also asking businesses to show
their commitment to improving the
skills of their employees and to
support initiatives to provide learning
opportunities for local people
including jobseekers.
If you would like to get involved in the
development of a Skills Charter for
Bexley, please contact us.
020 3045 3800
skills@bexley.gov.uk www.bexley.gov.uk/skillschallenge@bexleyskills